Upcoming Events

This Week

Nar-Anon Family Group
 Mondays | 6PM | Café Meeting Room
Nar-Anon is a fellowship for family and friends whose lives have been or are being affected by living with someone who uses drugs.  Whether or not the addict admits they have a problem and seeks help, the principles of Nar-Anon, when applied, can be of help to the family as to the addict.
Questions? Call Rosemary @ 386.290.5869
Living with the Mystics
1st and 3rd Mondays | 7PM |
Café Living Room
Using the book “Practice of the Presence” as our guide, we will learn about the Mystics together and share our own prayer experiences as a group. 
Questions? Contact Bill Brennan @wbrennan8@cfl.rr.com
To Grandmother’s House We Go (Again)!
Tuesdays | December 3rd, 10th and 17th
Join our Ukulele Circle in bringing Holiday Cheer and the Love of our Savior to area Assisted Living Residents. Lyrics, percussion instruments and an audience will be provided. BYO smiles and joy! Contact Hillary 386.314.6158 for more information!
Handbell Choir
Tuesdays | 5:30-6:30PM 
Our Lady of Lourdes Church
Join us for practice every Tuesday night.
Contact Seth for more information @
seth@ourladyoflourdesdaytona.com or 386.255.0433

Ignite Middle School Youth

Tuesdays | 5-6:30PM | 

CommUNITY Center
Let’s ignite the fire of God’s love within us and inspire action in the next generation of our Church.

It’s a time to get away from it all and just be.  Call 386.255.0433 

Homeless Mat and Prayer Shawl Ministries
Last Wednesday of the month | 1-3PM 
Café Meeting Room
We will meet on 12/18 for December
 Join us!
No experience necessary!
Please save your plastic bags and join us the last Wednesday of every month to get involved with this AMAZING ministry! Plastic bags can also be donated on the third weekend of the month.
Any questions about Mat Ministry?  Call Linda Trader @ 386.255.0433
Fairways to Heaven
1st and 3rd Wednesdays | 3PM Tee Time |
9 Holes | $15 PP 
Join us for nine holes of golf followed by dinner/drinks 
Crane Lakes Golf and Country Club 1850 Crane Lakes Blvd. Port Orange 
All skill levels, including beginners. are welcome.  You don’t need a partner.  We will mix it up and make new friends!   ALL are welcome…and ALL means ALL!
Please contact Dave Brim at dbrim36@outlook.com
or call 419.344.2473
to reserve your spot.
Taize Prayer and Adoration
Wednesdays | 6:30PM
Join us for prayer and adoration in a form of prayer including song scripture and meditation. 
Find peace and tranquility in His presence.
Questions? Contact the parish office at 386.255.0433
Catholic Recovery Ministries
Wednesday | 7:30PM | Zoom
Fridays | 8PM | Zoom
Catholic Recovery Ministries brings freedom from
addiction and unhealthy habits. 
We use the 12 steps with all the resources of our Catholic Faith.
Questions?   Call 386.852.0836 
Bunco and Lunch
Thursdays | 11:30AM
Fun and games and community…join us on Thursdays beginning October 3rd! ALL are welcome!
Questions? Contact Mary @630.651.3885
English as a Second Language Classes
Sixteen Week Class Thursdays starting September 19 | 5:30-7:30
Café Meeting Room
We are so happy to be able to host an English as a second language class. Class size is limited. If you know someone who would benefit from this class to boost their skills in learning English, please contact the parish office @ 386.255.0433
LGBTQ+ Outreach
Thursday | December 19th | 6PM
Kona Tiki Bar | 49 W. Granada |
Ormond Beach
Let’s get together for an evening of food, fun and conversation. ALL are welcome…join us!
Let Arlene know if you can make it @ 954.295.2930
Emotional Support Group
 Thursdays | 6:30PM
East Wing Living Room
This group is for people experiencing anxiety, depression, and grief. 
Join us for healing and support. The meetings are co-hosted by
Vicki Jones, Pam LeFils, Karen DeLisle and Joyce Flint. 
Questions? Contact the parish office 386.255.0433
Lectio Divina On Zoom
Thursdays | 10AM | Zoom
Lectio Divina is a traditional, monastic practice of Scripture reading, meditation and prayer intended to promote communion with God and to increase knowledge and insight of God’s word.
Your presence enriches our conversation!  Please join us!
Contact Karen Delisle at 407.538.8846 for more information.
Rummage Sale 
A Creation Care Ministry
Rummage closed December 27/28
Reduce, Reuse and Recycle with Us!
Fridays and Saturdays | 9AM-2PM
Donations accepted from 9AM – 2PM on
Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays
Visit us at 1020 N. Halifax Ave. (just north of our church at the corner of Halifax Ave. and Chippeway)
Clothes | Jewelry | Furniture | Household Items & Decor | Books | MORE! 
Questions?  Call 386.255.0433
Catholic Recovery Ministries
Fridays of Advent | December 6, 13, 20
Join us for this wonderful free event every Friday Night 7pm EST on Zoom Stations of Advents. It’s a special way to celebrate Advent.
Improv Workshop for Radical Hospitality
1st and 3rd Fridays | 7PM | Community Center
Not sure what to say when you meet someone new? Don’t know what to do with your hands, face or feet? Improv is a fun way to get better at breaking the ice, feeling at ease around new people and strengthening any team you are a part of.  ALL are welcome!
Contact Hillary at 386.255.0433 for more information.
Helping Hands
Third Saturday of the month | 7:30-10:30AM
Our mission is to share God’s transforming love with our homeless brothers and sisters in need.  We provide goods and services with a dignified shopping experience to all homeless individuals.   We welcome you to join us and spread the love!  We are always recruiting for barbers/stylists. We are in constant need of ongoing donations for the following items: personal toiletry items (travel size), sunscreen, bug spray, socks, sneakers, work boots, hats and backpacks.  You can purchase need items directly from amazon by clicking here 
For more information, please contact  Charlotte Beckes 407.421.4340
Grace Spiritual Gifts
Saturdays and Sundays | Before and after all Masses
Our Lady of Lourdes Foyer
Visit us and find a variety of gifts suitable for First Communion, Baptism, Wedding, Birthday, Anniversary and special occasions.  Grace offers a full line of greeting cards, traditional Catholic gift items and local art by some of Volusia County’s finest artists.  Gift packaging is included with your purchase. 
Questions?  Contact Jenny @ thenorados@gmail.com
Café D’Vine
Saturdays | After 4PM Mass
Sundays | After 8:30 and 10:30AM Masses
Join us after all Masses in the Café for refreshments, conversation and fellowship!
KidZone Children’s Church
During weekend Masses 
During weekend Masses, the Chapel will be used for families with children or special needs children.
Parents can let their kids be kids during Mass!
Questions? Contact the parish office at 386.255.0433
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Sundays at Mass
“We welcome children Kindergarten through 2nd grade to join us during our 10:30AM Sunday Mass for Children’s Liturgy of the Word. This is a fun way for your young children to experience the Word in a way that is relevant to them in their lives. We always wait for our children to return to celebrate the Eucharist-and ALL children are ALWAYS invited forward to play an instrument with Agape during our last song!
For more information, call 386.255.0433.
Coming Up
Worship ‘n’ Waffles
Sunday | January 5th | 9:30AM
Community Center
Join us for this fun Intergenerational Worship Experience the first Sunday of every month.  We will have some fun, learn about our faith and have waffles…together!  Bring the
whole family. 
Questions? Contact Hillary @ 386.255.0433
Widows | Widowers | Friends
Monday | January 6th | Noon
BJ’s Brewhouse | 2514 W. International | Daytona Beach
Join us for our 10th year 2025 Kickoff Lunch! Great salads, sandwiches, entrees and specials. All are welcome! Bring a friend!  RSVP Deb at 203-858-0357.
LGBTQ+ Outreach Ministry
Monday | January 6th | 6:30PM
Movie Night | Community Center
Join us to see a movie and enjoy a casual dinner together! Chili and cornbread provided. Bring your own drinks.
Please RSVP to Joan @910-987-5363
ALL are welcome!

Griefshare Support

Tuesdays| Beginning January 7th | 5:00PM

East Wing Living Room

Are you mourning a loss? We invite you to participate in our

Grief Share Support Group
Please don’t suffer alone.

Questions? Contact the parish office at 386.255.0433

Ask Fr. Phil Anything
Thursday | January 9th | 6:30PM
Fr. Phil invites you to join him to ask any questions you may have about our church, our Catholic faith, or how we “live the questions” in our day-to-day lives.
 All are welcome…and ALL means ALL!
Widows | Widowers | Friends
Saturday | January 18th | 1PM
Ceramics class | $35 pp
Let’s make a dish! Learn ceramics with Mari. The cost includes instruction and materials.
RSVP to Sue @386.212.7527 to reserve your spot and get location information.
Contemplative Prayer

2nd and 4th Mondays every month beginning October 14th | 7PM

Café Living Room
We will not meet on December 9th

Join us as we come together weekly in fellowship and prayer to learn about and experience the difference between meditation (a human mode of prayer) and contemplation (a divinely infused prayer).


Questions?  Contact Alice Wood @ aliceland42@gmail.com.

Veteran’s Outreach
Every last Tuesday of the month | 6:30PM | Café

Calling all Veterans!  Join us every month for outreach! Let’s come together in commUNITY to offer a hand up!

 Remember “All gave some, some gave all, now it is time to give more!”

Questions?  Contact Dave at  619.203.3335
Divorced | Separated | Remarried
Coffee and Conversation
Second Tuesday of the Month | 7PM | Café
We will not be meeting in December. See you in January!
Experience Christ’s love in the fellowship of our caring community.
Share and journey together in a safe place.
Call Daren and Gina for information @301.515.1717.
Ukelele Jam Night
1st and 3rd Tuesdays | 7PM
Café Living Room
No Ukelele Jam in December
Dust off your ukulele and come out for a fun-filled hour of music making.  Beginners and families are welcome!  We will learn simple chords and popular songs to play and sing…together!
Contact Hillary for more information at 386.255.0433
The Chosen
Wednesdays | 7:30PM
Parish Watch Parties | Communtiy Center
Will resume in January for
Season 4!
It is described as “the first-ever multi-season TV show about the life of Jesus. The Chosen allows us to see Him through the eyes of those who knew Him.”
It has 5 star ratings by almost 6,000 reviewers. Join us as we explore this series together!
Meditation Outreach Ministry
First Saturday of every month  | 10AM 
Our Lady of Lourdes Chapel
Come and gather with us in community once a month to mediate and focus on achieving peace of mind.  We will be led by
Nicole Comenole.
 Questions?  Please contact Anne Gabriel at dgabegator@gmail.com or 386.366.4768
Caregiver/Receiver Support Group
1st Saturday of every month | 11 am | Café
Join us as we share feelings, develop friendships,receive emotional support, and partner to discuss solutions to common care giving and care receiving issues with other givers and receivers of needed care.
ALL are welcome.
RSVP to Sue.  Call 407.760.2304 or email carepartnerourladyoflourdes@gmail.cometails
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Outreach
Every 1st and 3rd Sunday | 10:30AM
Please join us every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month at 10:30AM for our fully interpreted Mass,
(You need not be Catholic to join us!) 
 For more information: Stephanie Olin @ 386.527.5106 or stephieo@bellsouth.net
African American Outreach
Harambee Sunday
Every 1st Sunday of the Month | 10:30AM Mass
Harambee means “all pull together” in Swahili.
Come and celebrate with us as we bring our African gifts to His table!
ALL are welcome…and ALL means ALL!
For more information, contact Stephanie Speller @ 850.602.0433
Latin American Outreach
Every 2nd Sunday of the Month | 10:30AM Mass
Our Lady of Lourdes
Join us as our Latino community helps us celebrate Mass with
readings in Spanish. 
Come and celebrate our diversity with us at Our Lady of Lourdes where ALL are welcome…and ALL means ALL!
Asian Outreach Ministry
Every third Sunday of the Month | 10:30AM Mass
Our Lady of Lourdes
Join us at this mass where we experience worship through the eyes of our brothers and sisters from Asia.  One of our readings will be in the
Philippine language of Tagalog.  
We welcome and celebrate our diversity at Our Lady of Lourdes where ALL are welcome…
and ALL means ALL!