Upcoming Events
This Week
Ignite Middle School Youth
Tuesdays | 5-6:30PM |
It’s a time to get away from it all and just be. Call 386.255.0433
Griefshare Support
Tuesdays| Beginning January 7th | 5:00PM
East Wing Living Room
Are you mourning a loss? We invite you to participate in our
Grief Share Support Group
Please don’t suffer alone.
Questions? Contact the parish office at 386.255.0433
2nd and 4th Mondays every month beginning October 14th | 7PM
Join us as we come together weekly in fellowship and prayer to learn about and experience the difference between meditation (a human mode of prayer) and contemplation (a divinely infused prayer).
Questions? Contact Alice Wood @ aliceland42@gmail.com.
Calling all Veterans! Join us every month for outreach! Let’s come together in commUNITY to offer a hand up!
Remember “All gave some, some gave all, now it is time to give more!”
It has 5 star ratings by almost 6,000 reviewers. Join us as we explore this series together!