Who We Are

EDGE is a 6th-8th grade middle school youth ministry program that provides a safe fun place for youth to find community, to get answers to their questions about faith, and, most importantly, to experience Jesus in a profound and personal way.  Our program speaks to the physical, psychological, cognitive, relational, social, and spiritual maturation of middle school youth.
Our Goal
Our goal is to bring young people together in a life of faith, action, and commUNITY.
Our Values
Practicing radical hospitality to engage ALL youth in all of their relationships.
Meeting youth where they are. in their lives, in their language.
Ensuring all youth are visible, excited participants alongside their
church family in a lifelong journey of faith.
Confirmation is a journey for 7th graders to explore the Catholic faith on a deeper level within their own lives, their church family, and the larger world.  At the end of their journey, youth have the opportunity to become members of the Church.  Here is the 2019-2020 schedule  https://www.ourladyoflourdesdaytona.com/edge-calendar-of-events/
For information on how you can get involved with our middle school youth,
please contact Jennifer Roberts at edge@dev.ourladyoflourdesdaytona.com or 407.408.5819